01 | An Introduction To The Bible | UPC Search For Truth Bible Study Lesson 1 | Apostolic Teaching

An Introduction To The Bible - This lesson conveys the absolute authority of the Bible. We can place full confidence and trust in the Bible as the foundation for building our lives. We can be sure the Bible is true!

About This Home Bible Study Series:

The Search for Truth Home Bible Study is an exhilarating bible course that covers the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. This course is carefully structured to help you understand the Bible in a chronological, historical, and doctrinal way. It progresses gradually, helping you build your knowledge along the way. Regardless of whether you are a seasoned student of the Word or have little to no biblical knowledge, Search for Truth is an excellent resource that will aid in your growth as a Christian!

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Bible Study
tanak, the bible project, old testament, sharefaithtube, bible study, sharefaithnow
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